“ Where words fail, music speaks.”
Hans Christian Andersen.
Our Intent
The music curriculum at Norbreck Primary Academy is designed to foster a deep appreciation and understanding of music, enabling pupils to develop a lifelong passion for music and its cultural significance. Through our music provision, we aim to ensure that all pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that covers a range of musical genres, styles, and traditions, while also nurturing creativity, confidence, and collaboration amongst our students.
Our intent is to provide all pupils with the opportunity to engage with high-quality musical experiences that inspire and challenge them, leading to a sense of enjoyment and achievement in their musical endeavours. By instilling a love for music from an early age, we aim to enrich the lives of our pupils, enhancing their cultural capital and contributing to their overall personal development.
Cultural Capital
- We enter music competitions such as Musician of the year and Pop Idol, both in school and within our local area.
- Year 4 have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument as part of the wider opportunities scheme. A music room for rehearsals and individual practice. The music room is equipped with instruments which are stored there.
- Norbreck children can participate in peripatetic lessons, in addition to the normal teaching of music. These include violin, piano/keyboard, clarinet, cornet, flute and recorder lessons.
- Children experience external pantomime performances.
- Year 4,5,6 Glee Club, who sing and dance live at the Grand Theatre, Blackpool.
- Tiddly-Om-Pom-Poms, a musical programme for EYFS, is written and delivered by specialist staff from Blackpool Music Service in our Reception classes.
- Key Stage singing practices each week.
- Nativity performances by Key Stage 1 each year to parents.
- We value that music contributes to other curriculum subjects and areas such as the humanities and R.E.
- Norbreck offers music for all.
How we Implement Music Lessons at Norbreck
The implementation of our music curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum and through the use of Charanga Musical School, a structured and sequential programme of study that is inclusive, accessible, and tailored to meet the needs of all learners. Music provision in EYFS is carefully planned and incorporated to meet the early learning goal for expressive arts and design. Our class teachers deliver engaging lessons that incorporate a wide variety of practical music-making activities, including singing, playing instruments, composing, and listening to music from different cultures and historical periods.
During children’s time at Norbreck, we ensure that pupils have opportunities to perform individually and as part of class ensembles within the school community and in external events, thereby developing their confidence, teamwork skills, and a sense of pride in their musical accomplishments. Using technology and digital resources, we enhance learning experience and provide various ways for pupils to create, record, and share their musical work. We strive to create a musical environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and a spirit of exploration, encouraging pupils to express themselves musically in a safe and supportive setting.
Long Term Plan
The impact of our music provision is evidenced through the musical experiences offered, levels of engagement and enthusiasm for music, and the improving musical skills and knowledge demonstrated by our pupils. Through regular teacher, self and peer reflection and assessment of performances, children thrive and celebrate their successes, fostering a sense of achievement.
Norbreck children leave school with the skills necessary to pursue further musical study or engage in musical activities beyond the classroom.
Pupil Voice
At Norbreck Primary Academy, we believe our students' voices are key to shaping exceptional music education. By listening to their opinions and perspectives, we gain meaningful insights into their learning experiences. This feedback helps us continuously improve our music curriculum, ensuring it remains engaging and effective.
My favourite part is when we sing together. It is really nice!
Jessica Year 1
I love playing the piano with my music teacher. It makes me feel relaxed and I enjoy playing the tunes.
Ezra Year 1
"We get to play on glockenspiels. It makes me feel like a real musician. One day I would like to play something in an orchestra."
Year 2
"Music makes me happy. I don't think I can sing very well, but I enjoy giving it a go."
Year 3
I loved learning about Mamma Mia by ABBA. I went home and practised singing it at home.
George Year 4
"I love being taught music. I am beginning to learn the keyboard and enjoy playing some of my favourite songs."
Year 5
I like it when we use technology and the internet to create music.
Ava Year 6